Do your caregivers have the information they need to identify subtle signs of patient deterioration early? The indications of a patient’s clinical instability typically occur six to eight hours before an event. An automated early warning scoring (EWS or MEWS) solution can help you identify the subtle signs of deterioration that can indicate a potential serious adverse event (SAE) and automatically re-check those warning signs, using Philips reassurance measurements, to determine if a notification needs to be sent to the appropriate caregivers. By reducing the need for manual record keeping and associated manual scoring calculations, automated EWS can help you identify patients at risk, reduce response times and put time back on your side. Early detection of patient deterioration (and appropriate notification of caregivers) gives you more time to respond and plan appropiate intervention. EWS can support this. Automated EWS can support making this easy. Ask us about automated early warning solutions for your hospital.
See how automated early warning scoring works to acquire vital signs, calculate a score, and notify responsible caregivers to intervene quickly.
Automated early warning scoring system combines vital signs monitoring and software for early identification of patients at risk for deterioration.
Get started on an EWS program or optimize your processes in place to enable your caregivers to react and respond before an adverse event.
The best early warning scoring solution is one that integrates easily into your existing infrastructure and IT environment to simplify staff communications, streamline workflow, support document compliance, meet Joint Commission goals for standards of care, and improve patient care. Philips can deliver the products, services, and expertise to build an EWS solution designed to help you meet your goals. Contact us to arrange a consultation with a Philips representative who can help you build an EWS solution designed around your organization.
For complete results, view the clinical study:
General Hospital in Bangor, UK, reports a reduction in serious events by more than a quarter, a 74% reduction of ICU mortality of patients transferred to the ICU, and a cardiac arrest reduction of more than 80% by incorporating Philips IntelliVue GuardianSoftware1.
See how Philips early warning scoring technology led to a clinically significant reduction in patient codes, and no codes in the orthopedic unit, in the four years since installation at Saratoga Hospital in New York.
Problem: It’s hard to predict which patients to watch closely Solution: IntelliVue Guardian EWS helps you identify subtle signs that can indicate a potential deterioration
Problem: An MD is notified only 25% of the time4
Solution: IntelliVue Guardian incorporates respiratory measurements into EWS to initiate timely intervention
Problem: Most deteriorating patients are identified within 15 minutes – often too late to intervene
Solution: EWS tools can support improving the effectiveness of your Rapid Response Teams (RRT)
EWS tools are designed to identify at-risk patients. Automated EWS with the IntelliVue Guardian Solution can:
Unrecognized patient deterioration leads to increased length of stay and higher cost of care. Research shows that the use of early warning scoring in combination with Rapid Response Teams may have financial benefits, including:
Instituting common protocols and enabling them with the right technology can standardize care across your organization, improving communication and workflow adherence. Consider:
Enable a data-driven patient monitoring system that helps critical patient information guide clinical decisions through:
Learn how automated Early Warning Scoring (EWS) can help identify deterioration while there’s still time to make a difference. Download the Infographic to learn more.
The general care floor encompasses a wide range of patients with varying conditions and needs. We work with you to identify solutions to help in identifying potential patient deteriorations and tailor them to your organization’s needs and goals.
Accurate assessment and consistent reporting of respiratory rate is extremely important to detect patient deterioration early. However, manually measuring respiratory rates can be
References Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary. 1. Subbe, C.P., Duller, B. & Bellomo, R. Crit Care (2017) 21: 52. grant from Philips 2. HealthGrades, Inc: Third Annual Patient Safety in American Hospitals Study. April 2006 3. Schein, RM, 4. Sharek PJ, Parast LM, Leong K, et al. Effect of a rapid response team on hospital-wide mortality and code rates outside the ICU in a children’s hospital, JAMA 2007; 298(19)2267-2274. 5. Franklin C, Matthew J Developing strategies to prevent in-hospital cardiac arrest: analyzing the responses of physicians and nurses in the hours before the event, Crit Care Med. 1994:22(2):244-247. 6. Mok, W et al. Attitudes towards vital signs monitoring in the detection of clinical deterioration: scale development and survey of ward nurses. Int J Qual Health Care (2015) 27 (3): 207-213.
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