Tumor embolization

Effective guidance in treatment and decision-making for tumor embolization

The ability to detect and differentiate nodules and identify tiny feeder vessels is critical to determining proper therapy. Navigating to the region of interest by reaching all feeders, while remaining selective to the lesion and sparing healthy tissue increases the opportunity for success. Confirmation of treatment endpoint and treatment success while the patient is still on the table boosts clinical outcome confidence and enables efficient follow-up treatment planning.

Demonstrated results of EmboGuide in tumor embolization


Our Automatic Feeder Detection solution can significantly improve feeding artery detection compared to using Cone Beam CT alone. EmboGuide supports you in maximizing the efficacy of your TACE procedures as it potentially enhances your sensitivity, reduces false positives and maximizes inter-reader agreement.3

86% sensitivity3

Automatic Feeder Detection software improved feeding artery detection rates to 86% sensitivity3 during transarterial chemoembolization of HCC lesions with better user reproducibility compared with Cone-Beam CT alone.

57% fewer false positives3

Automatic Feeder Detection software can reduce false positives by 57%.3

99.7% reader agreement3

AFD software significantly improved detection of feeding arteries with 99.7% reader agreement.3

22% less recurrence using CBCT vs 2D imaging alone4

A study showed that the recurrence rate of liver cancer within 36 months after TACE treatment is 52% using 2D imaging alone, and 30% using Cone Beam CT monitoring.4

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Azurion 7 with FlexArm

Azurion 7 with FlexArm

The ceiling-mounted Philips Azurion with FlexArm and 20” detector provides unlimited imaging flexibility and exceptional positioning freedom. Seamlessly control relevant applications from a single touchscreen at tableside to help make fast, informed decisions while remaining in the sterile field.

SmartCT 3D imaging

SmartCT 3D imaging

Easily control advanced 3D acquisition, visualization and measurements at tableside to improve lab flexibility and efficiency. Semi-automated segmentation tasks speed up 3D image analysis and step-by-step guidance throughout the entire 3D image acquisition remove guesswork for superior patient care.

Azurion 7 with FlexArm

EmboGuide automatic feeder detection

EmboGuide provides efficient, workflow-based live 3D guidance with automatic feeder detection to navigate to each segmented tumor target for selective or super-selective embolization of hyper vascular tumors.





[1] Schernthaner RE et al, Feasibility of a Modified Cone-Beam CT Rotation Trajectory to Improve Liver Periphery Visualization during Transarterial Chemoembolization, Radiology. 2015; 277(3):833–4

[2] Levi EB, et al. First human experience with directly image-able iodinated embolization microbeads. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology, vol 39, issue 8, 1177-1186, 2016

[3] Chiaradia et al, J J,Sensitivity and Reproducibility of AFD Software for HCC, Vasc Interv Radiol 2018;29:425-431.

[4] Miyayama et al., Comparison of Local Control in Transcatheter Arterial hemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma ≤6 Cm With or Without Intraprocedural Monitoring of the Embolized Area Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol , 2014, 37 (2), 388-95.

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