A combination of Pathology Genomics Workspace and Oncology Tumor Board Orchestrator to support a dedicated Molecular Tumor Board.
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ContinueMolecular Tumor Board
Molecular Tumor Board
Molecular Tumor Board
MD Anderson PODS
MD Anderson PODS
MD Anderson PODS
Multiple knowledgebases
Multiple knowledgebases
Multiple knowledgebases
Therapy and clinical trial matching
Therapy and clinical trial matching
Therapy and clinical trial matching
Vendor agnostic integration
Vendor agnostic integration
Vendor agnostic integration
Secure, sustainable, and scalable infrastructure
Secure, sustainable, and scalable infrastructure
Secure, sustainable, and scalable infrastructure
Molecular Tumor Board
Molecular Tumor Board
Molecular Tumor Board
MD Anderson PODS
MD Anderson PODS
MD Anderson PODS
Multiple knowledgebases
Multiple knowledgebases
Multiple knowledgebases
Therapy and clinical trial matching
Therapy and clinical trial matching
Therapy and clinical trial matching
Vendor agnostic integration
Vendor agnostic integration
Vendor agnostic integration
Secure, sustainable, and scalable infrastructure
Secure, sustainable, and scalable infrastructure
Secure, sustainable, and scalable infrastructure
Our Genomics digital platform enables general hospitals, laboratories, and university medical centers to tap into the expertise and treatment guidance of one of the world's foremost cancer centers. Philips connects oncologists and pathologists around the world to MD Anderson's extensive Precision Oncology Decision Support (PODS) system of actionable clinical information and clinical trial matching.
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ContinueBy clicking on the link, you will be leaving the official Royal Philips ("Philips") website. Any links to third-party websites that may appear on this site are provided only for your convenience and in no way represent any affiliation or endorsement of the information provided on those linked websites. Philips makes no representations or warranties of any kind with regard to any third-party websites or the information contained therein.
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