Remote Access Audit Data

Allows you to view details when Philips remotely connected to any of the Products at the Location.


You can view Remote Access audit Data directly by clicking on Remote Access Data from:

  • Navigation menu, Reports (reporting can be done by either IP number or Location name. Up to 5 IPs/Locations can be checked at once).
  • Location Details page (max of 90 days records will be displayed per period).

You will have access to the following information of the Installed Product:


  • Installed Product Number 
  • Custom IP Name (when available)
  • Product Name
  • Material Number
  • Serial Number
  • Department (when available)

You will have access to the following information of the connection:


Remote Application

Name of the application used during the remote connection.


Date and Time

Date and time when Remote Session Start and End date and time stamps are in UTC/GMT (may not be local or user time zone).


DNS Name

Domain Name System*


IP Address




User Name

User name of the user who connected remotely.

* Depeding on country DNS Name and/or Location may not be visible.



Allows you to export Remote Access Audit Data to csv formatted file.


If there is no data for the system or if there is a different type of issue you wll be informed about it:

  • No Remote services report for the selected Account/IP
  • Connectivity issue. Please retry again later. If the problem persists, please contact your Philips for support Contact Us on homepage.

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