a monitor with patient data showing on there

Advanced Breast image analysis

Efficient, adaptable workflows for enhanced diagnostics

Comprehensive breast care


Philips brings a multifaceted approach to breast care with advanced post-processing capabilities and biopsy planning and guidance.

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Breast cancer - by the numbers

two million

Breast cancer accounts for 11.6% of cancer cases worldwide with over 2 million cases1

hearth oncology

The most common cancer in women worldwide, breast cancer accounts for 24.2% of new cancer cases in women1

fifteen percent

Breast cancer accounts for 627,000 deaths a year and 15% of all cancer deaths of women1

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Breast cancer has the third highest global economic impact at $88 billion2

  1. International Agency for Research on Cancer and World Health Organization – Press Release: Latest global cancer data: Cancer burden rises to 18.1 million new cases and 9.6 million cancer deaths in 2018
  2. American Cancer Society and LIVESTRONG® Global Economic Cost of Cancer Report, 2010

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