Portal Architecture

Along with the Home Page, we have four main screen layouts – List View, Detail View, Reports, and Documents.

Before we continue, it is important to explain common language used throughout this Customer guide:


  1. Global Search - enables search across all objects.
  2. Menu Items - navigational options to take you to the particular type of information you want to store or view.
  3. Fields - a specific piece of information stored on a record.
  4. Record - the data that is manipulated or stored.
  5. Hyperlink - if you click the link you will be taken directly to that detail page.
  6. Buttons - performs a specific action when clicked.

List View

List Views are a great way to quickly find or update information by leveraging:


  1. Free Text Filter
  2. Drop Down Filters, some allow selection of multiple values
  3. Sorting
  4. Button
  5. Indicators
  6. Icons


In the portal, the following items have a list view:

Detail View

When you click on a hyperlink from within a list view or anywhere throughout the portal, you can see details about that specific item. Each detail view is similar, however you may see different subtabs, related items and/or buttons.


  1. Related Items: buttons
  2. Tabs


Philips creates standard reports you can leverage and export. You cannot create or save your own reports, but you can customize.


  1. Reports Menu Item
  2. Edit report to customize


Here you can see recent Customer Facing Documents (CFDs) such as the Customer Service Report (CSR), Test and Inspection Report and Quotations. Documents are case-based and associated with the subject of your choice (no need to go to individual details page). You can even download the reports for an individual case or for all cases per location, account, installed product, contract and warranty.


  1. Documents Menu Item
  2. Download button

You are about to visit a Philips global content page


You are about to visit a Philips global content page


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